The Rocks, Forest Society North


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Christmas tree farms throughout the country help shape the landscape that we all call home. The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests has a unique tree farm growing natures natural Christmas gift on protected land.
“The Rocks Balsam” is the ultimate conservation tree. A beautiful balsam grown in the picturesque White Mountains on protected land by a conservation organization dedicated to land protection, education, advocacy and wise use of the land.
Maple Syrup, Horses and Sour Pickles
The Rocks Estate comes alive with spring activities March 17,24 and 31.
The program at the Rocks is unusual as there is a great deal of attention to hands on learning. Participants not only see how syrup is made but also learn about the history, basic tree identification techniques and the economic importance of natural maple products.
“We let people help tap our maple trees as part of the program so that they can enjoy and understand another rural aspect of New England.” said Manley.