Secured Network Services, Inc.

Secured Network Services, Inc.


Computer Service/SalesConsultantsSecurity ServicesTelecommunicationsWe're Open or Providing Services

About Us

Our Philosophy:
Founded in 2002, SNS is a leading multi-service IT company providing mission-critical solutions. With a proven track records that spans more than 18 years, we strive to exceed the expectations of our clients.

Our Mission:
As a trusted technical advisor, SNS is known for going above-and-beyond to get to the heart of our clients greatest challenges and execute strategic initiatives - all so our clients can focus on what they do best. Our live help-desk representatives are available seven days a week, providing professional and immediate support.

Our Clients:
We create long-term relationships with clients in industries that span business services, municipalities & government, healthcare, and life sciences, to name a few. We love helping those who help other and, as a result, we work closely with several leading non-profits throughout the region. We become our clients partner in IT problem-solving.

Our Services:
Below is a listing of our services:

1) Managed Services: Our clients appreciate our year-round strategic planning and 24x7 IT help desk problem-solvers. We offer complete and customized support for your internal networks and infrastructure.

2) Cybersecurity: Data breaches and ransomware cause organizations serious disruption of day-to-day work, wide-ranging costs for remediation of damages and ultimately, loss of reputation.

3) IT Staff Augmentation: On-site engineers fill in the gaps and alleviate the IT burden of our clients internal technology teams when it comes to rolling out a major company-wide update of hardware or software, executing the latest cybersecurity protocols.

4) Telecommunication & Collaboration: Look to us for high-performance, cost effective solutions for ever-changing business communication - internet connectivity, voice trucks, video conferencing and on-line collaboration.

5) Data Center & Business Continuity: We help our clients create a comprehensive business continuity plan to avoid lost data or downtime. Our best-in-class hosting, cloud and networking solutions - plus backup and disaster recovery - keep our clients up and running.

Rep/Contact Info

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Shelby Ingerson
Office Manager