Mingle with ghosts, goblins, zombies and other ghoulish creatures on Saturday, October 14, at RiverFire, Berlin’s annual fall family festival. Hosted by the Androscoggin Valley Chamber of Commerce and held at Service Credit Union Heritage Park, the daylong event culminates at dusk with a display of hundreds of carved and lit pumpkins and the lighting of bonfires on the river that illuminate the night and appear to be floating on water! Festivities kick off with the Zombie ATV Poker Run, where participants dress up like a zombie and decorate their rigs to fit the ghoulish theme. Prizes will be awarded in a variety of categories. New this year! The Not So Scary Halloween Cinema at 5:30pm. Halloween short movies and popcorn in the Heritage Park bunkhouse immediately following the Halloween Parade. RiverFire is family-oriented, with a host of games and activities for all ages, including face painting; a costume parade for the kids; hayrides pulled by antique tractors; helicopter rides; delicious food; beer tent; live music, and more. Admission to Service Credit Union Heritage Park is free; separate charges apply to each event. ATVs are welcome. To learn more and see the complete RiverFire schedule, visit RiverFireNH.com.
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM EDT
Saturday, October 14 9am-8pm
Service Credit Union Heritage Park 961 Main St, Berlin, NH 03570
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